Julie Green

Date: 01/04/2020

Meet Julie …

Level 4 VTCT Sports massage therapy

Advanced Dry Needling

FHT Pregnancy massage

I started training as a Sports massage therapist after an 18-year career in the financial Industry. I’d always known Finance wasn’t really where I should be and have always had a keen interest in health and fitness. I finally jumped out of my comfort zone and decided to put my passion into practice.

Qualifying in Sports massage therapy in 2019 progressing to Level 4 Sport massage therapy in 2020 I have never looked back, continuing to qualify in Dry needling and Pregnancy massage.

After working in an office for so many years I know what it is like to have a busy work/life balance and what effect this can have on both the physical, mental, and emotional body. I love learning and keeping up with evidence-based research so I can provide the best service I can for the people I treat.

How I can help…..

As an evidence-based massage therapist, my aim is to help you get back to the things that matter to you and to be enjoying life again.

Massage can be beneficial in a number of ways!!

  • It can used to calm discomfort down before or after a big event
  • Can bring short term relief to ongoing pain
  • Combined with movement it can help resolve long standing issues

Who can I help…..

Massage and movement can help with those aches and pains which may be caused by injury, sport, lifestyle, stress, or osteoarthritis

  • Have you stopped moving comfortably due to pain and stiffness?
  • Have underlying niggles, discomfort – often caused by the work environment?
  • Do you feel stressed, increased anxiety, not sleeping well?

You don’t need to be in pain to benefit!

  • Do you simply feel worn out, constantly juggling the demands of life!
  • Maybe you just want time out to relax and relieve the tension!